Welcome To
Wellington Eagles
Primary Academy

At Wellington Eagles Primary Academy, we firmly believe that every child in our care has the right to
be truly inspired by an engaging and purposeful curriculum. We have dedicated staff who are
passionate about providing our children with enriching and exciting experiences so that they can all
achieve success in their learning journey. We actively encourage our children to be curious and
believe that this supports them on their path to becoming life-long learners.

You said, we Did

“How can I help my child learn their phonics at home?”

We did: Sent home sound mat and Fresh Start sound video lessons. 

Impact: Parent is able to support pupil to make accelerated progress. 


“What words does my child need to spell? What words can we practise at home?”

We did: Sent home key words for year 3 and 4 and discussed how to support them. 

Impact: Parents are empowered to support their child. 


“What do the children need to do to pass the Multiplication Screening”

We did: Provide login for Time Tables Rock Stars and advised parents to get pupil to try the Maths Frame MTC at home to build confidence.

Impact: Increased engagement with learning multiplication facts. 

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To make an appointment for a tour, call 01264 316400 or email admin@wellingtoneagles.org.uk

Term Dates

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Keep up to date with term times, events and any Teacher Development days.


Catering at the The Wellington Primary Academies is provided by PS Catering.

News & Events

Check out all our latest news, events and discover what is going on at Eagles Primary Academy.

Our School Values

  • Stewardship
  • Opportunity
  • Aspiration
  • Respect

As a soaring eagle I will show:

Stewardship, Opportunity, Aspiration, Respect

Train To Teach