Home Learning

Home learning

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Learning Links

In this section you will find links to websites that support your child’s learning: Times Tables Rockstars to make them lightning fast in their times tables, BBC Teach which provides wonderful content on a world of learning, Audible offers free audiobooks to engage them in their reading and Purple Mash enables them to access their coding and computer work from school.

Reading At Home

Sharing stories is a great way to connect together in the virtual world. You may be able to share your favourite books using your school virtual learning platform – in a similar way you would in the classroom.

Everyone enjoys a picture book and there are loads to choose from for all ages. Chapter books can be used both as a stimulus for writing or just to enjoy together with older children.

There are plenty of online resources too for when you want to sit back and enjoy along with your children! 

“Success both academically and personally for our pupils”

We value bravery, positivity, respect, kindness and honesty. We believe that if our learners are enthusiastic, resilient, team players, thinkers and aspirational that these approaches to learning and school will guarantee their success both academically and personally.

Wellington Eagles Primary

Home Learning Links