At Wellington Eagles we have an enriching and exciting curriculum that enhances our children’s experiences so they all achieve success in their learning journey.
We actively encourage the children to be inquisitive thinkers, to be collaborative and to have aspirations to be the best that they can be.
We support them on their path to be lifelong learners though access to a rich and broad curriculum.
Our curriculum works alongside the National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework to ensure that our children progress in their learning in our schools.
We believe that our children will strive for excellence being supported by rigorous learning of key knowledge and the chance to learn through an engaging and purposeful curriculum. We have high expectations for every pupil and create learning experiences that challenge, extend and deepen learning and thought.
We want every child to develop a love of reading and learning, be passionate and relentless in their pursuit of excellence and to develop understanding of themselves and others.
Wellington Eagles Primary Academy, Wellesley Road, Ludgershall, Andover, Wiltshire SP11 9LT
The correct postcode for Wellington Eagles is SP11 9LT. Some internet search sites display different postcodes which are incorrect and not all vehicle satnavs find us easily. If you need assistance with directions, please call the admin team on 01264 316400 who will be happy to help.
Wellington Eagles Primary Academy, Wellesley Road, Ludgershall, Andover, Wiltshire SP11 9LT
T. 01264 316400 | E.